A group protesting Amber Rudd’s decision against an Orgreave enquiry has been flattened by a mounted troop of baton-swinging police officers.
Today’s retro cavalry-charge was “a limited, proportionate response and rather nostalgic,” a South Yorkshire Police spokeswoman explained, adding “anyway one of them looked a bit like Arthur Scargill, so they were asking for it. Same as in ’84 really.”
“Are we having an inquiry soon? Are we buffalo. We’re going to stick to the tried and true method of waiting until everyone’s dead. Plus we’re just not feeling it. This mining bollocks is not exactly box office compared to a raid on an elderly pop star’s house, you get me?”
The Evening Harold has been asked by South Yorkshire Police to confirm that they were not investigated over links to celebrity paedophile Jimmy Saville. That was North Yorskshire and West Yorkshire and they were cleared, so that’s all right.
South Yorkshire Police were the Hillsborough conspirators and Rotherham child abuse blinker-wearers mob. We are pleased to make this distinction.
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