Farage technically still UKIP leader: online petition “to make the bastard stay on” tops one million


massive braying bellend

With Nigel Farage still in charge of UKIP, the party which made everyday racism acceptable again, a campaign forcing the massive braying bellend  to stay on has already gained huge support.

“We’d enough people signed up to trigger a parliamentary debate in the first hour.” said campaign organiser Alison Lee “If we reach ten million they’ll have to pass new laws, ensuring Farage not only stays as UKIP leader but also spends four hours in the stocks on College Green on weekends and alternate Wednesdays until further notice.”

Lee is sure that she is pushing on an open door at Westminster. Most MPs wished to remain in the EU but even those who accept that battle is now lost would love to see Mr Farage face up to the utter shitfest mess he hoped he’d left behind.

“The best bit is that it will be a democratic decision taken by a sovereign independent country” laughed Lee, adding ” and, of course, he won’t be able to appeal to the European Court of Justice. The prick”.



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