Locals ostracised for not really caring about French burkini ban


At least it distracts us all from the fact we’ve broken the planet

Harold is divided this evening as a small group of villagers have declared that they’re not massively absorbed by the ongoing row in France over women wearing burkinis.

“Of course it’s horrible that some women have been hassled and humiliated by the police,” said local mechanic Sean Pavey. “But I just don’t feel the need to tweet and post about it constantly. Doesn’t mean I’m not bothered just means I’m not that bothered. And I think that that should be okay.”

“I hate it,” sixth former Melody Hallett told us. “It seems proper unfair though like lots of things are and lots of things are worse so I don’t see why everyone should have a go at me just because I’m not getting really upset about it.”

We reached out to members of the Really Caring About The Burkini faction and asked them what they were doing about it apart from constantly posting links on Facebook but no one was available to talk as they were all reading the latest Guardian editorial.

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