Gullible people outraged over April Fool’s Day cancellation

april foolsReports about the cancellation of April Fool’s Day have caused gullible people to get very upset.

Local hairdresser Liz Pastel spoke for many saying, “I can’t believe the April Fool’s Day Department has taken away the one day a year I allow myself to be hoodwinked.”

“I vividly remember how shocked I was last year to read that humans evolved from apes, only to suddenly notice it was 1 April! I laughed so much I was worried I’d fall off the edge of the earth.”

Harold Independence Party leader Lionel Garage bemoaned the cancellation of one of his favourite days, and said attempts to contact the April Fool’s Day Department to change their minds proved fruitless.

“I can’t even find a phone number for the April Fool’s Day Department, much less an address. Talk about faceless bureaucrats!”

“If you ask me the whole situation is a bloody joke” said Mr Garage.

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