South Yorkshire Police have explained that they were far to busy lying about their responsibility for Hillsborough, to be much concerned about children being raped in Rotheram.
“Hindsight’s a wonderful thing for you media types.” said a South Yorkshire Police spokesweasel “But back then, lots of colleagues still had pensions riding on our blaming victims of Hillsborough for their own deaths. With limited resources, it’s all a matter of priorities and we were still dodging calls for an enquiry into Orgreave.”
But he emphatically rejected suggestions that Police had simply ignored the pleas of desperate parents.
“Absolutely not. In fact we warrned some oversensitive, not to say whiny parents, that if they kept on sobbing at the front desk, we’d charge them with criminal damage to the counter veneer from their tears. That and wasting Police time – so you can hardly claim we ignored them.”
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