Respected willie-waver resigns over ‘Tory MP’ slur

Phew, it's a microphone

Brooks practices performing with a life-size microphone

Essex internet sensation Brooks Newmark has resigned, after reports that he is secretly a Tory MP were published in the Sunday Mirror.

Newmark was innocently pursuing his hobby of exchanging photographs of his genitalia, with what he believed to be a fellow todger enthusiast.

But the alleged MP was actually communicating with an investigative reporter looking to winkle out law-abiding perverts who were secretly members of the Tory party.

Dennis Bush, from Harold Dogging Society believes the Sunday Mirror itself has important questions to answer and that Newmark was the victim of a ‘sting operation’.

“Obviously I don’t approve of what BigBoy Brooks gets up to in his public life” said Bush “but the manner in which this was brought to light suggests a hidden press agenda against members of the on-line flashing community.”

In a resignation statement over the weekend, Brooks Newmark said “I’m asking for the press to respect my privacy” adding “but before you go, check this out, <ssserrlapp>. Eight half-crowns, or I’m a Dutchman.”




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