Makers of the popular crime solving franchise have announced they are to set the latest ‘Crime Scene Investigation’ series on the M1 in Buckinghamshire.
With the successes of the original CSI, CSI New York, and CSI Miami, producers of the hit show are hoping CSI Rubberneckers will highlight the skills used to solve car crashes on main arterial routes, often by detectives whose qualifications come from watching back-to-back episodes of ‘Motorway Cops’ on the iPlayer.
“The format of some qualified scientists turning up at a crime scene, painstakingly collect every small fibre of evidence, and analysing it to find the killer is becoming well worn,” the production company explained.
“So in CSI Rubbernecker Detective Dad will have to evaluate the scene, explain in fine detail what happened an apportion blame all within the 20 seconds it takes to crawl past the scene of the accident.
“The conflict element will come as we show Detective Dad after Detective Dad after Detective Dad giving their conflicting theories to anyone unfortunate to be in their respective car with them.
“Then each episode will conclude with no one any the wiser as to the cause of the collision, leaving the viewers to formulate their own theories. Or we might let the police figure it out. Oh yeah, that might work.”