An elderly dog walker from Harold has found the missing Malaysian jet MH370 with the help of his cocker spaniel Nigel.
68 year old retired teacher Tom Fromley and Nigel were on their morning walk when they made the discovery. “I was just out walking my dog in the middle of the sea when he went running off barking at something. Nigel’s normally well behaved so I wondered what was up with him. Then I looked behind a wave and there was a bloody massive plane there. Imagine my surprise.”
Mr Fromley put the surprise find down to pure chance. “My alarm clock went off an hour early and so I thought rather than our usual route down the River Gluggle and back over the bridge, we would try something different. So I just let Nigel have his head and before I knew it we were in the middle of the Indian Ocean.”
Mr Fromley said he’d been walking his various spaniels for many years, and while they regularly found murdered prostitutes, they’d never come across anything unusual before.
It was only when stopping for a cuppa in Australia that Mr Fromley realised the significance of the find. “I was chatting with a waitress and happened to mention seeing a plane then all hell broke loose – I was suddenly surrounded by Malaysian and Chinese officials all screaming for information without even attempting to form a queue. They were pretty disorganised and apparently had been looking for the plane for a while which certainly surprised me as it was pretty big and not the sort of thing you would expect to lose.”
“My only regret was I didn’t take more notice of the plane’s location but I tried to help the officials as best I could. I remember taking a left at the end of Harold High Street, and I passed through Romford on the way to Dover. The first few miles offshore down to Spain were pretty clear but the rest of the trip around the bottom of Africa was a blur. After a while one wave just looks like another.”
“I suggested to the Chinese that if my directions weren’t specific enough perhaps they could use their own dogs but for some reason that just led to an embarrassed silence.”
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