Tag Archives: Daniel Kawczynski

MP Daniel Kawczynski says Britain survived losing WW2, so Brexit will be fine

Befuddled Tory MP Daniel Kwaczynski has defended his statement that Britain would easily be able to cope with a no-deal Brexit, given our record of recovering after losing World War Two.

Mr Kawczynksi confused many people with his original tweet on Saturday, in which he seemed to have forgotten that Britain, as one of the Allies, actually won the Second World War.

Thousands of people replied to the bizarre tweet to correct him, mostly through the medium of abuse.

Defiant to the last, the giant tosser doubled down on his earlier statement, insisting on Monday that he had obviously meant to say World War One.

“Mistake anyone could make, but my point remains,” insisted
Mr Kwczynksizxczxc. “Or was it Trafalgar?”

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