Sunday, Second Sunday

Today is known in the church calender as the Second Sunday in Easter. It’s not a national holiday, there are no gifts or decorations. It is a special day whose specialness has been entirely overlooked and forgotten. The Second Sunday in Easter is Pete Best to Easter Day’s Beatles or a curate who is struggling to find his feet compared to a very successful parish priest. Keep going Andy, I’m sure someone must be finding your battle for relevance inspiring!

We all of us feel a bit Second Sunday in Easter sometimes and see ourselves as boring, easy to ignore and through no fault of our own missing out on the celebration and joy of Easter Day. When those feelings become hard to bear there is a very simple solution and it’s available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week with just a few simple words. All you have to do is knock on the back door of The Squirrel Lickers’ Arms and say ‘Eddie, here’s twenty pounds give me a jug of Top Shelf, please.’

I am, of course joking! 🙂 And alcohol abuse is a very serious issue in our society and one which the church is ready to engage with. Parishioners who feel they need guidance in this area should talk to Andy who I think will be able to offer support and a very personal perspective on that particular problem given where he was found last night!

The solution to which I’m really referring is of course Jesus. He may not offer you the wonderful release of getting drunk but nor will dependence on him result in sick in strange places and Facebook status updates that you were too far gone to realise were in fact incredibly self-pitying and/or abusive – sorry Dad, Chrissie, Michael and the boys!

Jesus is a glass of milk compared to a jug of Top Shelf. Top Shelf may be temporarily amazing but in the long run we all know which is better for us.

God Bless,
