Following successful trials of its various pet-calming vapours, Airwick has launched ‘Airwick Skunk’, which provides a broadly similar, soporific effect for the pets’ owners.
“You’re my best mate, man.” insisted Harold stoner Adam Cassidy yesterday, before adding “No, really. Are these your chips, can we order a pizza?”
The calming effect of Lavender, Jasmine, Cinnamon and Rosemary are already well-established in the Mumsnet, Yoga and Pilates communities but a good toke on some serious weed has often been overlooked in recent years, not least because its users usually can’t be arsed to pursue the argument after lunch. Or a decent three-course breakfast. Or two or three bananas. With yoghurt. And some stale bread.
“Have a bang on that, man.” said Cassidy dismissively, when questioned on the scientific research background by an Evening Harold reporter early this morning (about 2pm).
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