David Davis asks “Is it time to reveal my hand yet?”

“‘Reveal my hand’, I don’t even know what that means. Help me.”

David Davis will ask around the Tory conference today and see if it’s the right time to reveal his hand.

“I’ve never actually played poker but ‘not revealing my hand’ sounds macho, a bit James Bond-ish, so when people started asking me about Brexit I kept trotting it out. I really ought to find out what it means.”

“The name’sh Davish, David Davish. How’s the accent?” said Davis, watching himself in the hotel mirror through narrowed eyes, before tripping on the stair carpet. “You! Can! Leave! It! All! In! My! Hands! said the Minister as he bounced, step by step, down to the hotel foyer.

Theresa May issued a statement on the Brexit talks, to head of discussions on the issue at the conference. “Davis means Davis. Now can we move on?”

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