New online site WikiTribune, dedicated to reporting only factually correct news, has closed down only days after its launch, due to the lack of any properly verified reports.
“The only story we had,” said founder Jimmy Wales, “was about a member of our own staff who had to take the day off after her goldfish died. But she couldn’t say for certain the age of the fish as she had won it in a raffle last week.”
We caught up with Mrs [name withheld], who confessed she made up the goldfish excuse to get the day off.
“I had an appointment at Buckingham Palace,” she explained, “to receive my OBE for honesty.”
Buckingham Palace however told us they’ve never heard of the woman and anyway it’s not the OBE season.
Then Her Majesty The Queen Her Royal Self came on the line to personally commend the Evening Harold for its diligence in checking the veracity of the woman’s story.
“One has to be so careful these days,” She said, “not to be had by fake news. One feels sure a lot of it is made up.”
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