‘Just one more sleep till Midnight Mass’, say excited children

excited childExcitement amongst children is reaching fever pitch as they realise it is just one more sleep before Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.

“I’ve been waiting for this all year” said Simon Evans, aged 9, from Harold. “I get to spend time with my family and friends, smell the incense, and sing some carols. But best of all, I get to stay up late and hear more about Jesus.”

“Midnight Mass just seems to get more and more exciting each year, the only problem is it’s over so soon. It’s such an anti-climax to wake up the next morning and realise I won’t experience Midnight Mass for another 364 days”, said Simon.

“My parents try to cheer my up by wrapping up toys and giving them to me, but pointless consumerism is hardly a substitute for the magic of late night Catholicism, is it?”

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