A Harold schoolboy used his morning talk to tell his classmates that his dad was gifted, and quite possibly a genius.
Simon Atkins, 8, said he first realised his dad Alan was gifted when he got sacked from his job as an insurance assessor.
“It was clear to me that dad’s job wasn’t challenging enough for him and he was bored. As a high-functioning type he needed extra mental stimulation which is obviously why he chose to defraud the company he worked for and then burn down the premises to cover his tracks.”
“Looking back, the signs of giftedness were always there as dad was so inquisitive. He was constantly asking me questions like ‘have you brushed your teeth’, ‘when are you going to tidy your room’ and ‘is that a police car outside’?
“To be honest, I don’t know where dad got his intelligence from – it certainly wasn’t from me” said Simon.
Simon said he was so proud of his dad’s genius he wished there was some sort of web-based social site he could use to share the news far and wide.
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