Following the news staff at Windsor Castle are balloting for strike action over working conditions, the Queen has said if there is a yes vote, she will join them on the picket line.
“All we want is a living wage” one worker explained, “which if you own this castle is about £40m a year and a few rent-free houses”
Despite her wealth, gained from skilfully being created from the right man’s sperm and popping out of the right vagina, Queen Elizabeth II said she shares many of their struggles.
“People never believe me when I say I regularly use food banks” she admitted.
“Things have got so bad out truffle stocks have got down to one vault at Coutts.
“No, I’m with them all the way and am willing to stand on the picket line in solidarity with my comrades.
“I’ll even add to the ‘working class, hard up, vibe by bringing my own wood to burn in the oil drum.
“I have a priceless Victorian dresser I’ve never been too fond of.”
Her Majesty did however confirm that although she would be standing shoulder to shoulder with the workers, as their boss she will also have to sack them if they walk off the shop floor.
“They need to remember that there is no such thing as a job for life anymore, unless your me of course”
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