Anti-Facebook platform ‘the pub’ attracts thousands

slaThousands of users have flocked to the new way of connecting with friends and new people. Dubbed the ‘anti-facebook’, the new place is simply called ‘the pub’.

“At the moment there is a wait to get in,” one keen first time user outside the Squirrel Lickers Arms told us, “but the landlord said we would be invited in at 11am, when they open.

“I’ve heard that if your friends are at the pub at the same time as you you can see them as you talk to them, a bit like Skype or Facetime, but in HD. I think that’s why I have been warned to keep my clothes on when I’m there.”

Many users have decided to start using this social tool as people believe it will carry no adverts and will not sell it’s users personal information.

However one user who has been using the pub for a week said that was not strictly true.

“There were no adverts when I first logged in and ordered a pint, but when I went to the loo, the moment I sat on the toilet an advert popped up on the back of the toilet cubicle door.”

But that was not the only problem with the toilet section of the pub.

“On Facebook I used to spend a lot of time talking to people to kill time when I was having a ‘number two’. That doesn’t go down so well in a public forum.”

The pub isn’t invitation-only like some new start-ups, but it is being heavily moderated.

Eddie, the landlord at the Squirrel Licker Arms explained: “I’m trying to be gentle in my moderation, but anyone found to be violating the rules will be barred. That includes talking too loud, eating or drinking items not purchased here, heavy breathing, heavy petting or generally acting like an arse.

“Some people prefer a hands-off approach to moderation, but here I’m very hands-on, usually round the neck as you are being thrown into the car park.”

With it’s minimalist design – most pubs just have a bar, chairs and tables, and the millions of ‘saga’ type games have been replaced by a single fruit machine – the overall experience has been positive.

The only real complaint has come from the Facebook traditionalists who say people’s time spent staring at their phones constantly checking social media is being rudely interrupted by face-to-face conversations.

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