Today’s crossword set by “Fiddler”
Difficulty level: medium
1. Anal plenitude? Damn the torpedoes! (7)
5. Sounds like Rum Tum Tugger’s been in the fruit bowl – herring? (7)
9. Zut alors? Not round here, you bloody don’t! (5)
10. Mr Rumbold’s in the doghouse, methinks – brought home cheese again. (9)
11. Spoon? Buttock! (10)
12. Oo chiz – any fule no? (4)
14. An*l c*nt – not for mater! (12)
18. Giant cock for the Minister of Education – not half. (12)
21. Parable of snood underpinning yo-ho bacon, m’lad. (4)
22. Frenzied cockpiece – Mullard? (10)
25. Captain Bell-End got my goat with drawers akimbo! (9)
26. Aaaaaaaaaaargh! (Sputter.) (5)
27. Wanksplat over by Christmas? (7)
28. Knob. (7)
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